The shape-shifting southern vortex of Venus

( -- New analysis of images taken by ESA's Venus Express orbiter has revealed surprising details about the remarkable, shape-shifting collar of clouds that swirls around the planet's South Pole. This fast-moving ...

Ghosts of the future: First giant structures of the universe

( -- Astronomers using the South Pole Telescope report that they have discovered the most massive galaxy cluster yet seen at a distance of 7 billion light-years. The cluster (designated SPT-CL J0546-5345) weighs ...

Ripples in the cosmic background

( -- The universe was created 13.73 billion years ago in a blaze of light -- the big bang. We also think that, about 380,000 years later, after matter (mostly hydrogen atoms) had cooled enough for neutral atoms ...

Evidence of second fast north-south pole flip found

( -- The Earth's magnetic poles flip around every 200,000 years or so, with north becoming south and vice versa. Normally, the process takes 4-5,000 years and it ought to be impossible for the flip to be much ...

New theory for magnetic stripes on Mars

( -- A controversial new theory has been proposed to explain a series of stripes of permanently magnetized minerals containing iron in the Martian crust. The magnetized stripes, which have alternating orientations, ...

Physicsts reveal how to cope with 'frustration'

For most people, frustration is a condition to be avoided. But for scientists studying certain "frustrated" ensembles of interacting components - that is, those which cannot settle into a state that minimizes each interaction ...

Researchers suggest new memory storage mineral

( -- Researcher Derek Stewart says the mineral kotoite could be an ideal insulator for memory storage devices called magnetic tunnel junctions.

Saturn's Mysterious Hexagon Emerges from Winter Darkness

( -- After waiting years for the sun to illuminate Saturn's north pole again, cameras aboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft have captured the most detailed images yet of the intriguing hexagon shape crowning the planet. ...

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