Magnetic charge crystals imaged in artificial spin ice

A team of scientists has reported direct visualization of magnetic charge crystallization in an artificial spin ice material, a first in the study of a relatively new class of frustrated artificial magnetic materials-by-design ...

Super-hurricane-force winds on Venus are getting stronger

( —As the closest planet to Earth, Venus is a relatively easy object to observe. However, many mysteries remain, not least the super-rotation of Venus' atmosphere, which enables high altitude winds to circle the ...

ALMA finds 'monster' starburst galaxies in the early universe

Some of the brightest galaxies in the universe – infant galaxies that churned out tens of thousands of stars each year at the dawn of the universe – evolved much sooner and in greater numbers than previously thought, ...

Chameleon pulsar baffles astronomers

A pulsar that is able, without warning, to dramatically change the way in which it shines has been identified by an international team of astronomers.

Explosion of galaxy formation lit up early universe

(—New data from the South Pole Telescope indicates that the birth of the first massive galaxies that lit up the early universe was an explosive event, happening faster and ending sooner than suspected.

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