How a giant impact formed asteroid Vesta's 'belt'

When NASA's Dawn spacecraft visited the asteroid Vesta in 2011, it showed that deep grooves that circle the asteroid's equator like a cosmic belt were probably caused by a massive impact on Vesta's south pole. Now, using ...

Cyanide ice in Titan's atmosphere

Gigantic polar clouds of hydrogen cyanide roughly four times the area of the UK are part of the impressive atmospheric diversity of Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, a new study led by Leiden Observatory, the Netherlands ...

Canada launches mission to map, claim North Pole

A scientific mission to map the seabed surrounding the North Pole got underway Friday amid Canada's push to claim the area and surrounding Arctic waters ahead of Russia and others.

Mars tech electrifies Earth

Some of the wind turbines generating electricity on Earth today grew out of technology developed in the 1990s for settlements on Mars.

Cosmologists cast doubt on inflation evidence

It was just a week ago that the news blew through the scientific world like a storm: researchers from the BICEP2 project at the South Pole Telescope had detected unambiguous evidence of primordial gravitational waves in the ...

Electric-blue clouds appear over Antarctica

Data from NASA's AIM spacecraft show that noctilucent clouds are like a great "geophysical light bulb." They turn on every year in late spring, reaching almost full intensity over a period of no more than 5 to 10 days.

Cassini sees Saturn and moons in holiday dress

( —This holiday season, feast your eyes on images of Saturn and two of its most fascinating moons, Titan and Enceladus, in a care package from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. All three bodies are dressed and dazzling ...

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