White nanolight source for optical nanoimaging

Nanolight sources based on resonant excitons of plasmons near a sharp metallic nanostructure have attracted great interest in optical nanoimaging. However, the resonant phenomenon only works for one type of wavelength that ...

Creating vortices in a superfluid made of light

By using a special combination of laser beams as a very fast stirrer, RIKEN physicists have created multiple vortices in a quantum photonic system and tracked their evolution. This system could be used to explore exotic new ...

Breaking symmetry to excite polaritons

Exploiting ultra-confined and highly directional polaritons at the nanoscale is essential for developing integrated nanophotonic devices, circuits and chips. High-symmetry crystals have been extensively studied, with a particular ...

Non-linear effects in coupled optical microcavities

Scientists from the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw have demonstrated exciton-polariton lasing and parametric scattering of exciton-polaritons in a system of coupled optical microcavities. The results have ...

Revealing new states in 2D materials

Atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials can provide highly interesting excitonic properties, which render them an attractive platform to explore polaritonic physics.

New type of low-energy nanolaser that shines in all directions

Researchers in Eindhoven have developed a new type of low-energy, nanoscale laser that shines in all directions. The key to its omnidirectional light emission is the introduction of something that is usually highly undesirable ...

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