The dance of quantum tornadoes

Tornado-like vortexes can be produced in bizarre fluids which are controlled by quantum mechanics, completely unlike normal liquids. New research published today in the journal Nature Communications demonstrates how massed ...

Physicists made crystal lattice from polaritons

An international research team produced an analog of a solid-body crystal lattice from polaritons, hybrid photon-electron quasiparticles. In the resulting polariton lattice, the energy of certain particles does not depend ...

Light-matter interaction: Broken symmetry drives polaritons

An international team of scientists provide an overview of the latest research on light-matter interactions. A team of scientists from the Fritz Haber Institute, the City University of New York, and the Universidad de Oviedo ...

Versatile light control in WSe₂ achieved

Researchers have successfully manipulated distinct exciton species within a hybrid monolayer WSe2-Ag nanowire structure. By exploiting the unique valley-spin locked band structures and electron-hole configurations of TMDs, ...

Coupled exploration of light and matter

n quasiparticles known as polaritons, states of light and matter are strongly coupled. The group of Prof. Ataç İmamoğlu has now developed a new approach to study nonlinear optical properties of polaritons in strongly correlated ...

Scientists create an 'optical conveyor belt' for quasiparticles

Using interference between two lasers, a research group led by scientists from RIKEN and NTT Research have created an "optical conveyor belt" that can move polaritons—a type of light-matter hybrid particle—in semiconductor-based ...

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