Related topics: volcano

Volcano Raikoke spits ash over Bering Sea

An unexpected and powerful eruption started at Raikoke volcano in the Kuril Islands on 21 June 2019. This image, which was captured on 22 June, shows the brown ash plumes rising high above the dense clouds—drifting eastwards ...

Four new species of plume moths discovered in Bahamas

Deborah Matthews hunts for plume moths in darkness, waiting for the halo of her headlamp to catch a brief flicker. About the size of mosquitoes, the delicate, feathery moths fly only a few feet at a time. Matthews must watch ...

Water plumes on Europa: Tasting an extraterrestrial ocean

Computer simulations of the plumes of liquid water that stream out of Jupiter's moon Europa show that the forthcoming space mission JUICE may offer an answer to the question as to whether the Jovian moon's subsurface ocean ...

Testing an undersea robot that can detect and map oil spills

In late September 2018, MBARI engineers demonstrated a new use for MBARI's long-range autonomous underwater vehicles (LRAUVs)—detecting and tracking oil spills. Working with the US Coast Guard and collaborators at Woods ...

Europa plume sites lack expected heat signatures

The study of two potential plume sites on Jupiter's moon Europa has shown a lack of expected hotspot signatures, unlike Enceladus where plumes have a very clear and obvious temperature signature, research by Planetary Science ...

African smoke-cloud connection target of NASA airborne flights

Over the southeast Atlantic Ocean, a 2,000-mile-long plume of smoke from African agricultural fires meets a near-permanent cloud bank offshore. Their meeting makes a natural laboratory for studying the interactions between ...

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