Chemicals that keep drinking water flowing may also cause fouling

Many city drinking water systems add softening agents to keep plumbing free of pipe-clogging mineral buildup. According to new research, these additives may amplify the risk of pathogen release into drinking water by weakening ...

New view of Rainier's volcanic plumbing

By measuring how fast Earth conducts electricity and seismic waves, a University of Utah researcher and colleagues made a detailed picture of Mount Rainier's deep volcanic plumbing and partly molten rock that will erupt again ...

Volcanic plumbing provides clues on eruptions and earthquakes

Two new studies into the "plumbing systems" that lie under volcanoes could bring scientists closer to understanding plate ruptures and predicting eruptions—both of which are important steps for protecting the public ...

Volcanic plumbing exposed

Two new studies into the "plumbing systems" that lie under volcanoes could bring scientists closer to predicting large eruptions.

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