Researchers unlock the secret of explosive volcanism

When will the next eruption take place? Examination of samples from Indonesia's Mount Merapi show that the explosivity of stratovolcanoes rises when mineral-rich gases seal the pores and microcracks in the uppermost layers ...

Germany to subsidize electric cars to help own auto industry

Germany's auto industry risks being overtaken by foreign competitors unless it receives greater domestic support, the country's economy minister said Wednesday, announcing a 1 billion euro ($1.13 billion) plan to subsidize ...

Many devices don't require a converter

Q. We will be sailing in the Greek Islands on a 32-foot boat in May, and I am wondering how to properly charge our various electronic gadgets -- an e-book reader, camera and phone -- so I don't wreck any of them. What should ...

California may beef up electric vehicle mandate

A California lawmaker told The Associated Press on Friday that she's introducing legislation to require that 15 percent of new vehicles be emission-free in less than a decade, a significant escalation in the state's efforts ...

Fisker expands recall of plug-in hybrid Karma

(AP) — Fisker Automotive is expanding a recall of its 2012 plug-in hybrid Karma because of potential problems with the electric car's battery.

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