Plastic: The new energy source

QUT's research to develop cheap plastic solar cells to charge mobile phones and other electronic devices has been boosted with the installation of one of the most powerful nanotechnology microscopes in the world.

Printable sensors

In the future every home will have one: electronic devices that you can control just by pointing a finger. To turn this vision into reality the 3Plast research consortium is developing special sensors that can be printed ...

Molding the Future of Plastic Electronic Production

( -- E-readers that can be bent and folded, "smart" bandages that signal when they need changing based on oxygen levels, and biodegradable radio frequency identification tags that help companies track and manage ...

Device captures energy from walking to recharge wireless gadgets

By the end of 2014, Earth will be home to more mobile electronic devices than people. Smartphones, tablets, e-readers, not to mention wearable health and fitness trackers, smart glasses and navigation devices—today's population ...

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