Related topics: magnetic field · laser · sun · nasa

Team tests the effects of oxygen on uranium

A team of researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and the University of Michigan has found that the rate of cooling in reactions dramatically affects the type of uranium molecules that form.

NOAA shares first imagery from GOES-18 SUVI instrument

The Solar Ultraviolet Imager, or SUVI, onboard NOAA's GOES-18 satellite, which launched on March 1, 2022, began observing the sun on June 24, 2022. SUVI monitors the sun in the extreme ultraviolet portion of the electromagnetic ...

Inexpensive synthesis of high-melting-point carbide materials

Researchers from Skoltech and Tomsk Polytechnic University have used an unusual technique from the aerospace industry to synthesize hafnium-tantalum carbide, a hard-to-melt material for coating electrical and mechanical components ...

Scientists propose solution to long-puzzling fusion problem

The paradox startled scientists at the U.S Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) more than a dozen years ago. The more heat they beamed into a spherical tokamak, a magnetic facility designed ...

Laser creates a miniature magnetosphere

Magnetic reconnections in laser-produced plasmas have been studied to understand microscopic electron dynamics, which is applicable to space and astrophysical phenomena. Osaka University researchers, in collaboration with ...

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