Clarifying the fusion plasma confinement improvement mechanism

At the National Institutes of Natural Sciences, National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), as a result of measuring electric potential of JFT-2M tokamak plasma using the "Heavy Ion Beam Probe" and analyzing experimental ...

New Super H-mode regime could greatly increase fusion power

Meet "Super H mode," a newly discovered state of tokamak plasma that could sharply boost the performance of future fusion reactors. This new state raises the pressure at the edge of the plasma beyond what previously had been ...

Making industrial plasma safer

( —EPFL scientists have uncovered the physics behind the formation of plasmoids – funnel-like, high-energy plasmas that can severely damage industrial plasma reactors, causing millions in repairs and lost productivity ...

Laser empties atoms from the inside out

An international team of plasma physicists has used one of the world's most powerful lasers to create highly unusual plasma composed of hollow atoms.

Bringing measuring accuracy to radical treatment

An international team of scientists working at the Plasma Technology research unit at Ghent University, Belgium, has determined for the first time the absolute density of active substances called radicals found in a state ...

CERN collider to become the world's fastest stopwatch?

Heavy ion collisions at CERN should be able to produce the shortest light pulses ever created. This was demonstrated by computer simulations at the Vienna University of Technology. The pulses are so short that they cannot ...

Plasma screens enhanced as disorder strikes

A new study improves our understanding of plasma sources, a state of matter similar to gas in which a certain portion of the particles are ionised and which are used for example in plasma display panels. These results revealed ...

Proton-ion collisions: Behind the scenes of a hybrid interaction

Protons to the right, ions to the left: the basic principle of proton-ion collisions at the LHC might seem straightforward. However, this is an almost unprecedented mode of collider operation, certainly unique at the energy ...

Extreme plasma theories put to the test

The first controlled studies of extremely hot, dense matter have overthrown the widely accepted 50-year old model used to explain how ions influence each other's behavior in a dense plasma. The results should benefit a wide ...

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