Pushing the plasma density limit

For decades, researchers have been exploring ways to replicate on Earth the physical process of fusion that occurs naturally in the sun and other stars. Confined by its own strong gravitational field, the sun's burning plasma ...

Multiscale simulations help predict unruly plasma behavior

Decades of fusion research have brought many advances in our understanding of the physics of plasma, the hot ionized gas at the heart of a fusion reactor. While many questions are being answered, important challenges remain.

Metal cloud to protect fusion reactor walls

A thin vapour cloud in front of a liquid metal may be the solution to protecting the reactor walls of future fusion power plants to the extreme heat fluxes encountered. In Nature Communications, PhD candidate Stein van Eden ...

Clarifying plasma oscillation by high-energy particles

The National Institute for Fusion Science has developed new code that can simulate the movement of plasma and, simultaneously, the movement of particles circulating at high speeds. In the Japanese fusion reactor called the ...

Fusion reactor that employs liquid metal shower

In a magnetic field confinement fusion reactor, we maintain the high-temperature plasma through the magnetic field lines by floating the plasma apart from a vessel. However, there forms inevitably a location where the plasma ...

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