Researchers discover plants are enormous water users

( —A new study published today in Nature by researchers at the University of New Mexico indicates the immense amount of fresh water used by plants and its movement during their life cycle has significant implications ...

New tools needed to prevent plant disease pandemics

Plant diseases don't stop at a nation's borders and miles of oceans don't prevent their spread, either. That's why plant disease surveillance, improved plant disease detection systems and predictive plant disease modeling—integrated ...

Development of Euglena-based bioplastics

Researchers from AIST have developed microalga-based bioplastics mainly from constituents extracted from Euglena, a species of microalga.

Asian 'megapest' is chomping up US orchards

A stink bug from Asia is chomping up US vegetable fields, orchards and vineyards, causing experts to scramble through an arsenal of weapons to try and halt this stealthy, smelly predator.

BASF halts EU approval process for GM potatoes

BASF, the world's biggest chemicals company, said Tuesday it has decided to no longer seek European approval of its genetically modified potato products in the face of stiff resistance.

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