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What you will and won't see from June's planetary parade

Six planets will link up before dawn on June 3 in what's known as a planetary parade. But the spectacle won't be as eye-catching as expected: Only two planets will be visible to the naked eye.

Maybe ultra-hot Jupiters aren't so doomed after all

Ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs) are some of the most fascinating astronomical objects in the cosmos, classified as having orbital periods of less than approximately three days with dayside temperatures exceeding 1,930°C (3,500°F), ...

New Saturn-mass exoplanet detected by astronomers

Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), an international team of astronomers has discovered a new Saturn-mass planet orbiting a solar-type star known as TOI-2447. The finding was reported in a research ...

NASA tool prepares to image faraway planets

The Roman Coronagraph Instrument on NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will help pave the way in the search for habitable worlds outside our solar system by testing new tools that block starlight, revealing planets ...

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