Kepler announces 11 planetary systems hosting 26 planets

( -- NASA's Kepler mission has discovered 11 new planetary systems hosting 26 confirmed planets. These discoveries nearly double the number of verified Kepler planets and triple the number of stars known to have ...

Clocking Neptune's spin

( -- By tracking atmospheric features on Neptune, a UA planetary scientist has accurately determined the planet's rotation, a feat that had not been previously achieved for any of the gas planets in our solar ...

Transit Search Finds Super-Neptune

( -- Astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics have discovered a planet somewhat larger and more massive than Neptune orbiting a star 120 light-years from Earth. While Neptune has a diameter ...

Redness of Neptunian asteroids sheds light on early solar system

Asteroids sharing their orbits with the planet Neptune have been observed to exist in a broad spectrum of red color, implying the existence of two populations of asteroids in the region, according to a new study by an international ...

Scientists explain why Uranus and Neptune are different colors

Observations from Hubble Space Telescope, the NASA Infrared Telescope and the Gemini Observatory, reveal that excess haze on Uranus makes it paler than Neptune and that dark spots are caused by a darkening of a second deeper ...

Mushballs stash away missing ammonia on Uranus and Neptune

Mushballs—giant, slushy hailstones made from a mixture of ammonia and water—may be responsible for an atmospheric anomaly on Neptune and Uranus that has been puzzling scientists. A study presented by Tristan Guillot at ...

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