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Hong Kong freezes $42 mln in Megaupload raids

Hong Kong Customs officers have raided offices, domestic premises and luxury hotel suites as part of a worldwide FBI Internet piracy investigation into file-sharing site

Congress puts online piracy bills on hold (Update 3)

US congressional leaders put anti-online piracy legislation on hold Friday following a wave of protests led by Google and Wikipedia denouncing the bills as a threat to Internet freedom.

Renowned attorney Bennett to represent Megaupload

(AP) -- One of the nation's most prominent defense lawyers will represent file-sharing website Megaupload on charges that the company used its popular site to orchestrate a massive piracy scheme that enabled millions of ...

EU Internet czar tweets against SOPA

The European Union's Internet czar on Friday added her voice to resistance to the Stop Online Piracy Act, in an unusually open comment on pending U.S. legislation.

Hollywood, Silicon Valley face off over piracy bill

US congressional support for legislation targeting online piracy was eroding Wednesday as Wikipedia and Google led an online onslaught and branded the bills a danger to Internet freedom.

Wikipedia, Google protest US antipiracy proposals

(AP) -- January 18 is a date that will live in ignorance, as Wikipedia started a 24-hour blackout of its English-language articles, joining other sites in a protest of pending U.S. legislation aimed at shutting down sites ...

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