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Kim Dotcom says he'll beat 'political' piracy case

(AP) -- In his first interviews since his January arrest in New Zealand, Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom says he will prevail in what he calls a "political" Internet piracy case against him.

Megaupload boss to remain on bail in New Zealand

Megaupload boss Kim Dotcom won a legal battle to remain free on bail in New Zealand Wednesday but must reportedly wait to find out if funds will be released to pay for luxuries such as a butler and nannies.

Megaupload boss sweats on bail decision: reports

Megaupload boss Kim Dotcom is set to learn Wednesday if he will remain free on bail in New Zealand while US authorities seek his extradition on online piracy charges, reports said Tuesday.

Megaupload's Kim Dotcom granted bail in N.Zealand

Megaupload boss Kim Dotcom was freed on bail in a surprise move, after a New Zealand judge dismissed fears the internet tycoon would flee the country to escape US online piracy charges.

More US govt websites hacked by Anonymous

(AP) -- Cyber rebels from Anonymous announced Friday the group has carried out a new series of attacks against U.S. government websites to protest a global copyright treaty.

US authorities hit Megaupload with more charges

The US authorities have filed additional copyright infringement and fraud charges against Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom and other employees of the file-sharing site shut down last month.

Germany freezes signing of disputed Internet pact

Germany on Friday halted the signing of a controversial international accord billed as a way to beat online piracy that has sparked angry protests, saying it needed more time to consider it.

After Megaupload closure, BTJunkie shuts down

BTJunkie, a popular file-sharing indexing site, said Monday it was voluntarily shutting down, less than three weeks after the US closure of Megaupload in a crackdown on piracy of music, films and other materials.

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