Virtually digging up archaeology

Harvard archaeology students routinely venture into the past, traveling all over the globe in search of new knowledge. This semester, they are using the technology of today to travel into nearly 90 virtual classrooms as special ...

Methods for reducing the risks of melting glaciers

Under a pilot project being spearheaded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), a team of experts—including civil and environmental engineers from EPFL—are studying methods to help protect a region ...

Making dog food more delectable by analyzing aromas

Dogs aren't known for being picky about their food, eating the same kibble day after day with relish. However, owners of pampered pooches want their pets to have the best possible culinary experience, especially for those ...

Whale beachings: some notable events

The mass stranding of more than 400 pilot whales on the beaches of New Zealand on Friday ranks among the worst in a nation accustomed to the phenomenon.

German mini drones rescue Bambis from hay shredders

A German wildlife rescue project is deploying small aerial drones to find and protect young deer hiding in tall grass from being shredded by combine harvesters cutting hay in spring.

Image: Orion seen from the Rover

( -- The Apollo 16 Lunar Module "Orion" is photographed from a distance by astronaut Chares M. Duke Jr., Lunar Module pilot, aboard the moving Lunar Roving Vehicle.

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