No fresh whale strandings seen in New Zealand

Rescuers found no newly stranded whales Monday on a notorious stretch of New Zealand's coastline where hundreds of marine mammals died after beaching themselves last week, conservation officials said.

Whale beachings: some notable events

The mass stranding of more than 400 pilot whales on the beaches of New Zealand on Friday ranks among the worst in a nation accustomed to the phenomenon.

How to generate resources from urban wastewater

The Environmental Engineering and Microbiology Group (GEMMA) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is investigating how to produce new energy resources and high-value products from wastewater of urban, industrial ...

What to know before buying a drone this Christmas

UN aviation officials cautioned anyone Friday who might want to leave a gift of a drone under the Christmas tree this season, to learn how to safely operate it first.

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