Microalgae produced on a commercial scale

Many products, including food supplements, cosmetics and biodiesel, are made from substances derived from microalgae. A fully automated pilot plant operated by Fraunhofer in Leuna is capable of producing microalgae on pilot ...

Flexible methane production from electricity and bio-mass

Interlinkage of the power and gas grids is planned to make electricity supply sustainable and robust in the future. Fluctuating amounts of wind and solar power, for instance, might be stored in the form of the chemical energy ...

Production of 500 daily litres of bioethanol from food waste

From waste generated in the processing of cereals, scientists from the Center for Research and Assistance in Technology and Design of the State of Jalisco (CIATEJ) have produced bioenergy in the form of ethanol, and designed ...

Turning olive oil waste into energy to benefit rural economies

A pilot plant capable of converting toxic olive oil waste into heat and electricity has been built at an olive farm in AndalucĂ­a. The facility, constructed through the EU-funded BIOGAS2PEM-FC project, was completed in November ...

Paving the way for the production of high-performance solar cells

Doris Leuthard, a member of the Swiss Federal Council, opened a pilot plant for the production of high efficiency heterojunction (HJT) solar cells at Meyer Burger Research AG in Hauterive, Neuchâtel today. The Swiss solar ...

Assessing cotton fiber quality from a tiny sample

At a time when there is an uptick in U.S. cotton exports, it's not surprising that the Agricultural Research Service's Southern Regional Research Center (SRRC), located in New Orleans, Louisiana, upgraded its cotton textile ...

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