Related topics: food and drug administration · drug

Medicine released from pill filmed

( -- In an international alliance with funding from NanoNed, the Dutch national research programme, researchers at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, have succeeded in filming the spread of medicine from ...

Post-Roe, could states outlaw abortion pills?

This week, we learned that the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case that guaranteed a person's right to have an abortion in the United States. If this happens, 23 states could institute bans ...

Do couples over-think the decision to have kids?

The view of one's own fertility and having children has significantly changed in the last 60 years. In a new study, researchers engaged with more than one hundred Swedes between the ages of 17–90 to discuss how they regard ...

The role of digital technologies in mobilizing the alt-right

In "Misogynistic Men Online: How the Red Pill Helped Elect Trump," published in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Pierce Alexander Dignam and Deana A. Rohlinger examine the transformation of online alt-right ...

Risks of manipulating the global thermostat

If someone offered you a magic pill that claimed to cure all health ailments, would you take it? Let's say you did. Perhaps you'd start eating pizza and ice cream for every meal, since proper nutrition would no longer be ...

Post-election business is booming for these startups

Many Silicon Valley tech leaders continue to challenge the man they never wanted to see in the White House, labeling his ideas - particularly last month's travel ban - as bad for the industry and their bottom line.

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