Related topics: food and drug administration · drug

Risks of manipulating the global thermostat

If someone offered you a magic pill that claimed to cure all health ailments, would you take it? Let's say you did. Perhaps you'd start eating pizza and ice cream for every meal, since proper nutrition would no longer be ...

Post-election business is booming for these startups

Many Silicon Valley tech leaders continue to challenge the man they never wanted to see in the White House, labeling his ideas - particularly last month's travel ban - as bad for the industry and their bottom line.

How women can deal with periods in space

Who was the first woman to have her period in space? What is it like changing sanitary products while being weightless? And why doesn't menstrual flow just float up into the body when gravity isn't around?

How a pill could improve breast cancer diagnoses

The ongoing debate about breast cancer diagnostics has left many women confused—particularly over what age they should get mammograms and who needs treatment. An issue with current methods is that they often identify lumps ...

Oestrogen in birth control pills has a negative impact on fish

A new doctoral thesis from Lund University in Sweden shows that hormones found in birth control pills alter the genes in fish, which can cause changes in their behaviour. The thesis also shows that nurse midwives, who are ...

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