China broadcasts spacecraft pictures from moon's far side

China on Friday broadcast pictures taken by its rover and lander on the moon's far side, in what its space program hailed as another triumph for the groundbreaking mission to the less-understood sector of the lunar surface.

NASA: Icy object past Pluto looks like reddish snowman

A NASA spacecraft 4 billion miles from Earth yielded its first close-up pictures Wednesday of the most distant celestial object ever explored, depicting what looks like a reddish snowman.

YouTube launches pay channels with campy flicks

Children's shows like "Sesame Street," inspirational monologues by celebrities and campy movies—these are among the offerings on 30 channels that will soon require a paid monthly subscription on YouTube.

Measuring materialism in children's books

( —Rachel Franz has read more than her share of books to young children growing up next to a daycare center, babysitting neighborhood children and working as a nanny. It didn't take long for the environmental studies ...

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