What's Pi Day all about? Math, science, pies and more

Math enthusiasts around the world, from college kids to rocket scientists, celebrate Pi Day on Thursday, which is March 14 or 3/14—the first three digits of an infinite number with many practical uses.

Video: Our endless fascination with pi

For centuries, pi—the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter—has fascinated mathematicians and scientists. The number, which is infinite but never falls into a repeating pattern, is used in formulae throughout ...

On Pi Day, how scientists use this number

If you like numbers, you will love March 14, 2015. When written as a numerical date, it's 3/14/15, corresponding to the first six digits of pi (3.1415)—a once-in-a-century coincidence! Pi Day, which would have been the ...

Math wars: Debate sparks anti-pi day

(PhysOrg.com) -- A controversial debate in the math world has led to celebrations today by opponents of the mathematical constant pi.