Particle physicists on a quest for 'new physics'

After five years of work, EPFL's physicists, together with some 800 international researchers involved in the CERN's LHCb project, have just taken an important step by building a new detector—a scintillating fiber tracker ...

SLAC particle physicist discusses the search for new physics

The Standard Model of particle physics describes the properties and interactions of the constituents of matter. The development of this theory began in the early 1960s, and in 2012 the last piece of the puzzle was solved ...

ATLAS experiment seeks new insight into the Standard Model

Ever since the LHC collided its first protons in 2009, the ATLAS Collaboration has been persistently studying their interactions with increasing precision. To this day, it has always observed them to be as expected by the ...

Is this the trailer for the upcoming LHC blockbuster?

In light of the latest analysis on the decay of beauty mesons, the dawn of a 'new physics', may be approaching. An important contribution to the analysis has been made by physicists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of ...

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