Higgs search: A half-century odyssey

Over half a century, the Higgs boson has evolved from a theory rejected as daft to a cornerstone of our understanding of the Universe.

'Campfires' offer clue to solar heating mystery

Computer simulations show that the miniature solar flares nicknamed 'campfires," discovered last year by ESA's Solar Orbiter, are likely driven by a process that may contribute significantly to the heating of the sun's outer ...

Looking for dark matter near neutron stars with radio telescopes

In the 1970s, physicists uncovered a problem with the Standard Model of particle physics—the theory that describes three of the four fundamental forces of nature (electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions; the fourth ...

Everyone loves a falling slinky

(Phys.org)—If a slinky is not at the top of your Christmas list you might want to think again. Making a slinky walk down steps or draping it over your arm to imitate a robot is fun but the coiled spring toy hides a more ...

Exotic atomic nuclei reveal traces of new form of superfluidity

Recent observations of the internal structure of the rare isotope ruthenium-88 shed new light on the internal structure of atomic nuclei, a breakthrough that could also lead to further insights into how some chemical elements ...

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