Study finds only one type of consumer dictates price

It's commonly assumed that the supply-and-demand economics of the consumer marketplace dictates price. If you are one of few retailers that sells a product consumers want, you can charge more. If supplies of that product ...

How the pandemic has changed the Swedish fashion industry

The COVID-19 pandemic has had clear consequences for the Swedish fashion industry. Digitalization has accelerated, while efforts to attract customers to physical stores have stagnated. A development that will continue, according ...

Walmart experiments with AI to monitor stores in real time

Who's minding the store? In the not-too-distant future it could be cameras and sensors that can tell almost instantly when bruised bananas need to be swapped for fresh ones and more cash registers need to open before lines ...

Do we really own our digital possessions?

Microsoft has announced that it will close the books category of its digital store. While other software and apps will still be available via the virtual shop front, and on purchasers' consoles and devices, the closure of ...

Target CEO unfazed by Amazon-Whole Foods deal

US retail giant Target's chief executive Brian Cornell on Tuesday played down Amazon's massive deal to acquire grocery chain Whole Foods, arguing that it "validates" his company's business model.

First app from NPL to help researchers working in the lab

The UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has released its first app for iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads. It will provide researchers with easy and up-to-date access to the values for all the physical constants.

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