A pinch of baking soda for better vision?

Bicarbonate (baking soda) makes sparkling water sparkle, causes bread to rise, absorbs odors and can be used for cleaning all sorts of stuff, including your teeth. In the body, it plays essential roles in buffering pH, aiding ...

Newly developed synthetic mat could one day cool buildings

(Phys.org)—Sweating is a conceivably simple and efficient process for cooling down the body. People and animals use it to avoid overheating in midsummer temperatures or after physical exertion. The process is now also to ...

Pulling together increases your pain threshold

(PhysOrg.com) -- A study of Oxford rowers shows that members of a team who exercise together are able to tolerate twice as much pain as when they train on their own.

Human heart disease recently found in chimpanzees

While in the past century there have been several documented examples of young, healthy athletes who have died suddenly of heart disease during competitive sporting events, a new study finds that this problem also extends ...

Hong Kong chokes under 'worst' air pollution

Hong Kong choked under the worst smog ever recorded in the city Thursday, with residents warned to stay indoors, away from the blanket of toxic haze, officials said.