One billion people still live without electricity

A single light bulb greatly simplifies a family's daily life, enabling family members to carry out various activities indoors. The children do their homework, and the mother sews or prepares dinner. Indoor lighting also makes ...

Semiconductor works better when hitched to graphene

Graphene – a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon with highly desirable electrical properties, flexibility and strength – shows great promise for future electronics, advanced solar cells, protective coatings and other uses, ...

First in-depth look at solar project completion timelines

The Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has gathered and analyzed data for more than 30,000 solar photovoltaic (PV) installations across the United States to better understand how interconnection ...

Carbon-based nanomaterials could lower cost of solar energy

When Mike Arnold thinks about solar energy, he thinks big, as in the "more than one-hundred-million-billion watts of sunlight that the Earth continuously bathes in." But he also thinks very, very small, exploring how a one-billionth-of-a-meter ...

Yale engineer to build 'hot' solar cells

Associate professor of electrical engineering Minjoo Larry Lee has been awarded $2,540,000 to develop dual-junction solar cells that can operate efficiently at extreme temperatures above 750 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition ...

Future solar panels

Conventional photovoltaic technology uses large, heavy, opaque, dark silicon panels, but this could soon change. The IK4-Ikerlan research centre is working with the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country within the X10D ...

New type of solar concentrator doesn't block the view

( —A team of researchers at Michigan State University has developed a new type of solar concentrator that when placed over a window creates solar energy while allowing people to actually see through the window.

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