Integrated photonics for quantum technologies

An international team of scientists, headed up by Paderborn physicist Professor Klaus Jöns, has compiled a comprehensive overview of the potential, global outlook, background and frontiers of integrated photonics. The paper—a ...

A chip-scale microscope for high-throughput fluorescence imaging

Conventional light microscopy has been instrumental for studying cells and microorganisms; fluorescence microscopy enabled visualization of even smaller cell features by selectively adding fluorescent labels to molecules. ...

Researchers in Sweden develop light emitter for quantum circuits

The promise of a quantum internet depends on the complexities of harnessing light to transmit quantum information over fiber optic networks. A potential step forward was reported today by researchers in Sweden who developed ...

Observation of antichiral edge states in a circuit lattice

A modified Haldane lattice exhibits the intriguing phenomenon of antichiral edge states that propagate in the same direction on opposite edges and co-exist with bulk states. Using an electric circuit, researchers have successfully ...

Combining light, superconductors could boost AI capabilities

As artificial intelligence has attracted broad interest, researchers are focused on understanding how the brain accomplishes cognition so they can construct artificial systems with general intelligence comparable to humans' ...

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