Particle detectors meet canvas

Artworks are part of our cultural and historical heritage. Yet, according to the Fine Arts Expert Institute, nearly half of the artworks circulating on the market are fakes. So how can you tell if a Rembrandt painting is ...

Quantum race accelerates development of silicon quantum chip

A team of TU Delft scientists led by Professor Vandersypen seeks to create better and more reliable quantum processors. In a neck-and-neck race with competitors, they showed that quantum information of an electron spin can ...

Research team develops record laser on chip

Working in collaboration with the Lionix company, researchers from the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute have developed the world's most narrowband diode laser on a chip. This laser represents a breakthrough ...

Chip-based nanoscopy: Microscopy in HD quality

Physicists at Bielefeld University and the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø have developed a photonic chip that makes it possible to carry out super-resolution light microscopy, also called 'nanoscopy,' with conventional ...

First step towards photonic quantum network

Advanced photonic nanostructures are well on their way to revolutionising quantum technology for quantum networks based on light. Researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute have now developed the first building blocks needed ...

Quantum photonic researchers start new company, Sparrow Quantum

There is incredible potential in quantum technology for unbreakable communication and new superfast computers and with a new technological invention quantum technology is storming ahead. Researchers in the research group ...

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