Chip-based nanoscopy: Microscopy in HD quality

Physicists at Bielefeld University and the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø have developed a photonic chip that makes it possible to carry out super-resolution light microscopy, also called 'nanoscopy,' with conventional ...

Physicists develop a more sensitive microscope

Anyone who has taken a photo in a poorly lit restaurant or dim concert venue knows all too well the grainy, fuzzy outcomes of low-light imaging. Scientists trying to take images of biological specimens encounter the same ...

Large wave-vector phonon modes in silicon nanomembranes

( —Modified large wave-vector phonons in semiconductor membranes via hard X-ray thermal diffuse scattering (TDS) were observed that provide new insight into the fundamental thermal and electronic properties of ...

Brilliant dye to probe the brain

To obtain very-high-resolution 3D images of the cerebral vascular system, a dye is used that fluoresces in the near infrared and can pass through the skin. The Lem-PHEA chromophore, a new product outclassing the best dyes, ...

Three-photon microscopy improves biological imaging

(—Scientists may be a step closer to cracking one of the world's most compelling mysteries: the impossible complexity of the brain and its billions of neurons. Cornell researchers have demonstrated a new way of ...

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