How light can vaporize water without the need for heat

It's the most fundamental of processes—the evaporation of water from the surfaces of oceans and lakes, the burning off of fog in the morning sun, and the drying of briny ponds that leaves solid salt behind. Evaporation ...

Measuring Electron Orbitals

( -- For the first time, it has been possible to measure electron density in individual molecular states using what is known as the photoelectric effect. Now published in Science, this method represents a key ...

Researchers measure one-photon transitions in an unbound electron

The dynamics of electrons change ever so slightly on each interaction with a photon. Physicists at ETH Zurich have now measured such interplay in its arguably purest form—by recording the attosecond-scale time delays associated ...

Graphene on its way to conquer Silicon Valley

The remarkable material graphene promises a wide range of applications in future electronics that could complement or replace traditional silicon technology. Researchers of the Electronic Properties of Materials Group at ...

New material promises better solar cells

Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology show that a recently discovered class of materials can be used to create a new kind of solar cell.

New material promises faster electronics

The novel material graphene makes faster electronics possible. Scientists at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) developed light-detectors made ...

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