Lighting the way to targeted therapies and fewer side effects

Side effects from drugs working in non-target locations within the body can cause debilitating symptoms, often resulting in patients stopping their course of treatment early. But according to an article in Chemical & Engineering ...

Sucrose and citric acid combination effective at killing bacteria

Sucrose and citric acid are common ingredients in a cup of tea. But as a NADES (Natural deep eutectic solvents) compound these substances in combination can kill bacteria as effectively as if they were overrun by a bulldozer.

Successful laboratory test of photoswitchable anti-tumor agent

Photoswitchable agents might reduce side effects of a chemotherapy. So far, photodynamic therapies have been dependent on oxygen in the tissue. But hardly any oxygen exists in malignant, rapidly growing tumors. A group of ...

Counting cancer-busting oxygen molecules

Researchers from the Centre for Nanoscale BioPhotonics (CNBP), an Australian Research Centre of Excellence, have shown that nanoparticles used in combination with X-rays, are a viable method for killing cancer cells deep ...

Tuning light to kill deep cancer tumors

An international group of scientists led by Gang Han, PhD, at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, has combined a new type of nanoparticle with an FDA-approved photodynamic therapy to effectively kill deep-set ...

Physicists create new nanoparticle for cancer therapy

A University of Texas at Arlington physicist working to create a luminescent nanoparticle to use in security-related radiation detection may have instead happened upon an advance in photodynamic cancer therapy.

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