'Cleaning' boosts solar cell efficiency

Energy losses in nanowire solar cell can be significantly reduced by 'cleaning' the surface of the cells with a special etching method. This has been shown by researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Delft ...

Technology could bring high-end solar to the masses

Engineers at the University of California, Berkeley, have developed an inexpensive new way to grow thin films of a material prized in the semiconductor and photovoltaic industries, an achievement that could bring high-end ...

Cooled integrated circuit amplifies with lowest noise so far

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have demonstrated an integrated amplifier with the lowest noise performance so far. The amplifier offers new possibilities for detecting the faintest electromagnetic ...

Indecisive quanta

(Phys.org)—In ytterbium nickel phosphide there is a quantum critical point between the ferromagnetic and non-magnetic states that was previously not thought possible.

New multi-junction solar cell could break efficiency barrier

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory scientists in the Electronics Technology and Science Division, in collaboration with the Imperial College London and MicroLink Devices, Inc., Niles, Ill., have proposed a novel triple-junction ...

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