When crystal vibrations' inner clock drives superconductivity

Superconductivity is like an Eldorado for electrons, as they flow without resistance through a conductor. However, it only occurs below a very low critical temperature. Physicists now believe they can enhance superconductivity ...

Tunable sound transmission shapes up

The ability to control fine-scale acoustic waves known as phonons could lead to new sensing and surgery technologies, or even materials that are invisible to sonar. This pursuit led researchers at King Abdullah University ...

Spiders spin unique phononic material

New discoveries about spider silk could inspire novel materials to manipulate sound and heat in the same way semiconducting circuits manipulate electrons, according to scientists at Rice University, in Europe and in Singapore.

Exploring phosphorene, a promising new material

Two-dimensional phosphane, a material known as phosphorene, has potential application as a material for semiconducting transistors in ever faster and more powerful computers. But there's a hitch. Many of the useful properties ...

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