S. Korea seeks ways to disable 'silent camera' apps

South Korea is seeking ways to disable smartphone apps that allow users to silently snap photos in a bid to prevent Peeping Toms from secretly photographing women, an official said Wednesday.

Nokia pins hopes on cheaper Windows smartphone

Struggling cell phone maker Nokia Corp. has unveiled two new handsets that it hopes will revive its fortunes at the start of the world's largest mobile phone trade show on Monday.

Crush breaks out at Indonesian BlackBerry event

An offer of discounted BlackBerry smart phones turned into a frenzy Friday when thousands of Indonesians stormed the outlet, causing a crush in which at least three people were injured and some fainted.

Wikipedia eyes India for language growth

Wikipedia on Wednesday said it was banking on growth in the mobile phone sector and increased Internet access to boost content in Indian languages ranging from Hindi to Telugu.

Sony Ericsson profits down in 3rd quarter

Mobile phone maker Sony Ericsson posted a break-even third quarter Friday - blaming the drop in earnings on higher taxes and lower margins - and announced that it is shifting its entire portfolio to smartphones next year.

Taiwan's HTC unveils Windows 'Mango' handsets

Taiwan's leading smartphone maker HTC on Wednesday unveiled its first mobile phones using Microsoft's much-anticipated software platform "Mango" after Apple launched its latest iPhone.

South Koreans start using mobiles at 10: survey

More than 90 percent of schoolchildren in South Korea own a mobile phone and they start using them at an average age of 10 years and fours months, according to a survey published Friday.

Review: Skype phone and adapter for home calling

(AP) -- With two new products, Skype has made it easier to make Internet calls from home phones, for savings on international calls and potentially also domestic ones.

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