Related topics: females

Honeybee pheromones safely repel elephants, study finds

An organic formulation containing honeybee pheromones has been found to safely repel elephants, offering promise for a new strategy to prevent the world's largest land animals from destroying crops or causing other damage ...

Deep in the fly brain, a clue to how evolution changes minds

For lovers throughout the animal kingdom, finding a suitable mate requires the right chemistry. Now, scientists at The Rockefeller University have been able to map an unexpected path in which evolution arranged for animals ...

Termite queen, king recognition pheromone identified

Researchers at North Carolina State University have for the first time identified a specific chemical used by the higher termite castes—the queens and the kings—to communicate their royal status with worker termites. ...

Moth females use scent proximity to attract mates

Female moths deemed unworthy or unattractive to male moths can increase their odds of attracting a mate by emitting their sex pheromones - their "come-hither" scents - in close proximity to attractive females, according to ...

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