Related topics: particles

A world afire: Social–ecological processes in a time of change

In an era of ubiquitous human entanglement with the natural world, scientists are turning to social–ecological systems approaches as a way to better understand our rapidly changing world. Writing in BioScience, Mary L. ...

La Nina climate cycle could last into 2023: UN

The weather phenomenon La Nina, which has affected global temperatures and worsened drought and flooding, will likely continue for months, and possibly even into 2023, the UN warned Friday.

Air pollution may increase freezing rain in northern hemisphere

Freezing rain is a typical weather disaster in winter and early spring over many regions of the world, even tropical areas. It develops as supercooled water (below 0 °C) in the air and freezes immediately after depositing ...

Showing that species thrive through social connections

The term biodiversity invites images of lush rainforests, dynamic estuaries, and other biomes where a kaleidoscope of species interact within their communities. We could assume the same holds true for biodiversity at the microscopic level.

Exploring how diverse social networks reduce accent judgments

Everyone has an accent. But the intelligibility of speech doesn't just depend on that accent; it also depends on the listener. Visual cues and the diversity of the listener's social network can impact their ability to understand ...

Research finds most effective influencer marketing tactics

A YouTube personality takes a break from chatting about video games to talk about a web hosting service. An Instagram account devoted to beauty spotlights a new haircare product. A TikToker shouts out a fast-food sandwich ...

Fish and humans: A new approach to Bloom syndrome research

Researchers at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) have created a new disease model that has contributed to a better understanding of Bloom syndrome and the sex determination processes of zebrafish. The study, linking two ...

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