Malaria parasites form vortices

The disease of malaria is triggered by single-celled parasites that accumulate in large groups in the salivary glands of mosquitoes before transmission to human beings. The limited space there prevents them from actually ...

Universal behaviour detected in Mott metal-insulator transition

Whether water freezes to ice, iron is demagnetized or a material becomes superconducting – for physicists there is always a phase transition behind it. They endeavour to understand these different phenomena by searching ...

Edgy light on graphene may bring new one-way information routers

Graphene has been the focus of intense research in both academic and industrial settings due to its unique electrical conduction properties. As the thinnest material known to man, graphene is essentially two-dimensional and ...

Determining when a material becomes 'glassy'

Is it in a liquid phase or a 'glassy' phase? This question has been the subject of intense debate as physicists try to understand the behavior of so-called 'active matter'—a relatively new type of matter where particles ...

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