Towards quantum simulation of false vacuum decay

Phase transitions are everywhere, ranging from water boiling to snowflakes melting, and from magnetic transitions in solids to cosmological phase transitions in the early universe. Particularly intriguing are quantum phase ...

Triple phase transition in a photonic quasicrystal observed

Together with their colleague Professor Stefano Longhi (Polytechnic Institute of Milan), physicists from the group of Professor Alexander Szameit (University of Rostock) have discovered a triple phase transition. At the critical ...

Using time dilation to measure curvature of space-time

A team of researchers working at Stanford University has used time dilation in an atomic fountain to measure the curvature of space-time. In their study, reported in the journal Science, the group used the fountain as an ...

Under a moon spell: Shark attacks related to lunar phases

New research from LSU and the University of Florida suggests that more shark attacks occur during fuller phases of the moon. While the exact cause remains unclear, the researchers found that more shark attacks than average ...

Determining when a material becomes 'glassy'

Is it in a liquid phase or a 'glassy' phase? This question has been the subject of intense debate as physicists try to understand the behavior of so-called 'active matter'—a relatively new type of matter where particles ...

Minimizing laser phase noise with machine learning

Ultra-precise lasers can be used for optical atomic clocks, quantum computers, power cable monitoring, and much more. But all lasers make noise, which researchers from DTU Fotonik want to minimize using machine learning.

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