Measuring Zak phase in room-temperature atoms

In topological insulators, global geometric phases of energy bands determine the existence of unidirectionally propagating edge states, which are immune to local defects, bringing a new stage for designing noise-resilient ...

Optical foundations illuminated by quantum light

Optics, the study of light, is one of the oldest fields in physics and has never ceased to surprise researchers. Although the classical description of light as a wave phenomenon is rarely questioned, the physical origins ...

What drives ecosystems to instability?

Trying to decipher all of the factors that influence the behavior of complex ecological communities can be a daunting task. However, MIT researchers have now shown that the behavior of these ecosystems can be predicted based ...

Researchers use light to control magnetic fields at nanoscale

In thin, two-dimensional semiconductors, electrons move, spin and synchronize in unusual ways. For researchers, understanding the way these electrons carry out their intricate dances—and learning to manipulate their choreography—not ...

NASA to deflect asteroid in key test of planetary defense

NASA will on Monday attempt a feat humanity has never before accomplished: deliberately smacking a spacecraft into an asteroid to slightly deflect its orbit, in a key test of our ability to stop cosmic objects from devastating ...

Researchers answer fundamental question of quantum physics

An international team of physicists, with the participation of the University of Augsburg, has for the first time confirmed an important theoretical prediction in quantum physics. The calculations for this are so complex ...

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