New insights into DNA phase separation

A new study by Professor Hajin Kim in the School of Life Sciences at UNIST presents the notion of DNA Phase Separation, which suggests that the DNA within the nucleus may trigger phase separation, like oil in water. Unlike ...

New control of cell division discovered

When a cell divides, its constituents are usually evenly distributed among the daughter cells. University of Zurich researchers have now identified an enzyme that guarantees that cell constituents that are concentrated in ...

Insulator-metal transition at the nanoscale

Controlling the flow of electrons within circuits is achieved through the appropriate choice of materials. Metals allow electrons to flow freely and insulators prevent conduction. In general, the electrical properties of ...

'Everything-repellent' coating could kidproof phones, homes

In an advance that could grime-proof phone screens, countertops, camera lenses and countless other everyday items, a materials science researcher at the University of Michigan has demonstrated a smooth, durable, clear coating ...

Study reveals key inner control mechanism of cell's 'smart glue'

Researchers at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital have discovered that a protein critical to a process called liquid-liquid phase separation within the cell undergoes internal changes in conformation that are key to its ...

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