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Equipping kids to defend against science misinformation

At a time when climate models churn out increasingly precise and dire predictions, about 30% of Americans don't believe climate change will occur in their lifetimes. While the James Webb space telescope peers toward the beginning ...

Swimming nanorobots treat deadly pneumonia in mice

Nanoengineers at the University of California San Diego have developed microscopic robots, called microrobots, that can swim around in the lungs, deliver medication and be used to clear up life-threatening cases of bacterial ...

Process to customize molecules does double duty

Inspired by your liver and activated by light, a chemical process developed in labs at Rice University and in China shows promise for drug design and the development of unique materials.

Using 'counterfactuals' to verify predictions of drug safety

Scientists rely increasingly on models trained with machine learning to provide solutions to complex problems. But how do we know the solutions are trustworthy when the complex algorithms the models use are not easily interrogated ...

Deserts 'breathe' water vapor, study shows

Deserts may seem lifeless and inert, but they are very much alive. Sand dunes, in particular, grow and move—and according to a decades long research project, they also breathe humid air.

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