Deserts 'breathe' water vapor, study shows

Deserts may seem lifeless and inert, but they are very much alive. Sand dunes, in particular, grow and move—and according to a decades long research project, they also breathe humid air.

Harnessing AI to discover new drugs inspired by nature

Artificial intelligence (AI) is able to recognize the biological activity of natural products in a targeted manner, as researchers at ETH Zurich have demonstrated. Moreover, AI helps to find molecules that have the same effect ...

Wider applications for the 'unboil an egg' machine

Wider clean chemistry applications of the extraordinary Vortex Fluidic Device—invented by Flinders University's Professor Colin Raston—are likely in the wake of new research that has been published outlining the seemingly ...

New model can predict how bacteria develop antibiotic resistance

Using theoretical models of bacterial metabolism and reproduction, scientists can predict the type of resistance that bacteria will develop when they are exposed to antibiotics. This has now been shown by an Uppsala University ...

Taking the measure of glycans

When Lorna De Leoz invited laboratories to participate in her glycomics study, she hoped for 20 responses. Instead, she was deluged by emails from around the world.

DNA is only one among millions of possible genetic molecules

Biology encodes information in DNA and RNA, which are complex molecules finely tuned to their functions. But are they the only way to store hereditary molecular information? Some scientists believe life as we know it could ...

New method promises fewer side effects from cancer drugs

Protein research is one of the hottest areas in medical research because proteins make it possible to develop far more effective pharmaceuticals for the treatment of diabetes, cancer and other illnesses.

Understanding natural compounds

Antibiotic-resistant germs, dangerous viruses, cancer: unsolved medical problems require new and better drugs. Nature can provide the inspiration for new active agents. A computer-based method developed by a team of researchers ...

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