New or not? Cracking cyclic natural products for new drugs

Researchers have invented computational tools to decode and rapidly determine whether natural compounds collected in oceans and forests are new—or if these pharmaceutically promising compounds have already been described ...

Social learning boosts drug rep performance, finds study

Research in the International Journal of Business Innovation and Research has looked at the role of social learning with respect to the professional performance of medical representatives in Indonesia during the COVID-19 ...

Using starch as a novel drug transporter

A special type of starch could soon be used as an excipient in medicine to improve the treatment of patients. A research team from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) has discovered that it makes a suitable drug ...

Investigating better biotransformations

Research in the International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications has investigated the chemistry and behavior of a useful natural product made by the Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus Bunge). The ...

New tRNA promotes synthesis of streptomyces antibiotics

A research team led by Prof. Liu Guangxiu from the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has isolated a fast-growing desert streptomycete from an extreme environment ...

Evaluating new processing platforms for pharmaceutical production

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most relevant sectors in today's economy. For more than a century, pharmaceutical production has relied on batch production, but this lacks the agility, flexibility, and robustness ...

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