Scientists pioneer new concrete corrosion sensors

Scientists at Queen's University Belfast have made a major breakthrough in developing sensors which dramatically improve the ability to spot early warning signs of corrosion in concrete.

Researchers discover a compound that controls Listeria

In a year when cantaloupe tainted with the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes killed 30 people, the discovery of a compound that controls this deadly bacteria -- and possibly others -- is great news.

Biologists identify unique way catfish locate prey

Animals incorporate a number of unique methods for detecting prey, but for the Japanese sea catfish, Plotosus japonicus, it is especially tricky given the dark murky waters where it resides.

Study sheds light on aluminum reaction in low pH environments

Within the deep strata of the San Telmo "acid pit lake" in southwestern Spain rests a wealth of rich geochemical knowledge. That knowledge recently helped researchers at Penn State discover new information about the chemical ...

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