Do people everywhere care less about their cats than their dogs?

Do canines get more care? Some studies have suggested pet owners are less emotionally attached to and less willing to finance care for cats than dogs, possibly because of cats' behavior: cats may be perceived as caring less ...

Helping pet owners make tough choices

Perhaps the hardest part of owning a pet is making difficult decisions when a beloved companion becomes seriously ill.

Nine emerging trends in pet food

Four out of five pet owners now consider their pet a member of the family, and consumers are shifting their priorities when it comes to purchasing food for their pets accordingly (Mintel, Pet Food, 2013).

Why dogs really are a person's best friend

Researchers from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) at Trinity College have highlighted the positive links between dog ownership and higher levels of physical activity in middle-aged and older adults.

Device can track your stray pet

For owners of lost pets, the frantic search for Fido does not always end happily. Now one company is betting that even in a recession, pet owners will pay $250 for some peace of mind.

Pets help owners meet people and make friends

Pets play an important role in developing healthy neighbourhoods by helping their owners to meet people, make friends and even gain emotional and practical support from these friendships, according to researchers at The University ...

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