Tiny pump means pain relief for big cats

Veterinarians from the Wildlife Conservation Society's Bronx Zoo and the University of Tennessee have found a solution to the challenge of providing effective pain relief to some of their most difficult patients: big cats.

AAFP releases updated Feline Zoonoses Guidelines

The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) today released updated Feline Zoonoses Guidelines to the veterinary community. These are published Online First, and will appear in the November issue of the Journal ...

Chemicals linked to endocrine disorder in older pet cats

New research suggests that there may be a link between higher levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment and higher levels of hyperthyroidism in pet cats as they age. The findings are published ...

Minitablets help medicate picky cats

Of all pets, cats are often considered the most difficult ones to medicate. Very small minitablets with flavours or flavour coatings can help cat owners commit to the treatment and make cats more compliant to it, while making ...

Can you love cats too much?

A study into cat ownership looks at whether people who own an excessive number of cats are on the slippery slope to becoming animal hoarders.

Demand for exotic pets pushes species to the brink

Poisonous frogs, long-necked turtles, bears and chimpanzees may not be everyone's idea of an animal companion, but experts warn that demand for exotic pets is pushing some species closer to extinction.

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