Rose essential oil: A safe pesticide for organic agriculture

Plant-derived essential oils (EOs) find applications in various industries, such as detergents, cosmetics, pharmacology, and food additives. Moreover, EOs have an exceptional safety profile, and their numerous bioactivities ...

Vomiting caterpillars weigh up costs and benefits of group living

( -- A type of caterpillar which defends itself by regurgitating on its predators is less likely to do so when in groups than when alone, a new study by researchers from the University of Bristol and the University ...

UGA licenses new Bermuda grass that thrives in sun and shade

An internationally recognized turfgrass researcher from the University of Georgia has developed a new Bermudagrass that thrives in sun, but also produces healthy turf in areas with less than half the light normally required ...

Trouble on the horizon for GM crops?

( -- Pests are adapting to genetically modified crops in unexpected ways, researchers have discovered. The findings underscore the importance of closely monitoring and countering pest resistance to biotech crops.

Genetically engineered fruit flies could save crops

Releasing genetically engineered fruit flies into the wild could prove to be a cheap, effective and environmentally friendly way of pest control according to scientists at the University of East Anglia and Oxitec Ltd.

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